One in five women, and one in six men will suffer a stroke. The longer strokes go untreated, the more serious the results can be "If you even think you might be having a stroke, call 911 immediately," says KVH Stroke Coordinator Cody Staub. "Every minute a stroke is left untreated means millions more brain cells lost." Knowing the signs of stroke can help you get treatment quickly- for yourself or a loved one. FACE. Does one side of the face droop? Ask the person to smile ARMS. Is one arm weak or numb? Does one arm drift downward? A Ask the person to raise both arms. S SPEECH. Is speech slurred? Ask the person to repeat a simple sentence TIME. Does the person show any of these symptoms? Call 911 or get to the hospital immediately. KVH Hospital is a designated Level II Cardiac and Stroke Center, and has a treatment protocol in place. "Once a stroke patient is at the hospital, our goal for the entire process is less than one hour," says Staub. Learn more at a free stroke awareness panel discussion on May 30 at Hal Holmes, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Panelists include KVH Chief Medical Officer Kevin Martin, MD, KVH Internal Medicine provider Anita Schiltz, ARNP, and KVH Stroke Coordinator Cody Staub, RN. Kittitas Valley Healthcare Your Home for Health